About Gassnova
Gassnova was established in 2005 and is owned by the state through the Ministry of Energy. Gassnovas purpose is to help achieve the goals or objectives set by the government around CCS.
Concretely, Gassnova is leading the secretariat of the CLIMIT program. Managing the state’s ownership in TCM. And follows the Longship CCS project on behalf of the government. Gassnova also acts as a strategic and technical advisor to the Ministry of Energy. Therefore the organization contributes to the body of knowledge surrounding CO2 management practices and techniques. Additionally, it assists in putting into action the broader policies established by the government concerning CO2 management.

CLIMIT, TCM and Longship
Together with the Research Council of Norway, CLIMIT has funded several projects in most disciplines within CO2 management. In addition, there is extensive intentional collaboration through programs such as ACT and CETP. Through these international research programs, CLIMIT contributes to the exchange of knowledge across national borders.
As the owner’s representative in the world’s largest CO2 capture technology centre, TCM. The company has gained a broad understanding of how CO2 capture technologies work in a test facility capable of capturing up to 75,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. The owner’s support team closely monitors developments in relevant technology and market areas. Since its establishment in 2012, TCM has undergone continuous development. The future operational and business framework of TCM is currently being formulated in collaboration with its current owners (Equinor, Shell, and TotalEnergies), as well as potentially interested new owners.
Gassnova has been the facilitator for Europe’s first complete industrial CCS chain, Longship. The company is now monitoring the industrial projects under Langskip on behalf of the Ministry of Energy. Through this work, Gassnova has built up unique expertise in full-scale CO2 handling. Gassnova has a good understanding of the technical, commercial and regulatory issues associated with CCS. An important part of Gassnova’s mandate is to share this expertise with subsequent projects and government agencies working to facilitate CCS in their countries. As part of its work, Gassnova will monitor technology and market trends related to CO2 management.
Effective sharing of expertise and learning
Gassnova has a special responsibility for enabling a comprehensive approach across the relevant state-owned companies and initiatives to facilitate the development of CO2 management in Norway. Gassnova will also contribute to effective cooperation with other relevant stakeholders, both nationally and internationally.
The Department of Energy and the US Department of Energy (DoE) have a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on research and development, which currently focuses on CO2 management. Gassnova, together with the Research Council of Norway, will follow up the MoU through work with relevant instruments such as CLIMIT Demo and TCM.
The Ministry of Energy is responsible for Norway’s participation in Mission Innovation – an international collaboration to speed up the development and use of new energy and climate technology. Gassnova has been tasked with being the Norwegian participant in “Mission Carbon Dioxide Removal” in Mission Innovation.