Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility will be an integrated part of our daily work. Our ambition is to contribute in the areas that are relevant to our operation.

Gassnova actively follow up and take part in developing sound business practices, we adhere to our ethical guidelines, assess our impartiality and trust, work on equal rights and health, safety and the environment.
Transparency about human rights and working conditions
Gassnova is committed to promoting respect for basic human rights and good working conditions. Products and services supplied to Gassnova must be produced under conditions that are in accordance with the requirements of international human rights law, relevant UN and ILO conventions and national labour legislation at the place of production.
Gassnova does not offer goods and services on the market. The company’s suppliers are contractually obliged to comply with the information requirements set out in the Transparency Act. Gassnova has a risk-based follow-up to ensure that the suppliers are able to comply with the contractual and statutory transparency requirements.
Reputable business
In Gassnova’s corporate governance, we emphasise transparency, accountability, equal treatment and long-term perspectives. We have strict requirements for integrity, which means that we do not tolerate any form of corruption, and that we promote free competition. Our main principles are:
- Human rights, international and national laws and regulations form the basis of everything Gassnova does, including our relationships with partners and suppliers
- Employee rights and decent working conditions are maintained, both internally and with our partners and suppliers. Fair trade is an important aspect of this work.
- Gassnova’s employees must not, neither on their own behalf or for others, accept or facilitate the acceptance of gifts, travels, hotel stays, meals, discounts, loans, or any other service or benefit which is, or may be perceived as being, suited to influence how they perform their work.
- Gassnova does not tolerate active (attempts at bribing others) or passive corruption (accepting bribes).
Gassnova manages vast resource on behalf of the Norwegian society, and we place strict requirements on our impartiality. Impertiality assessments are made as needed, and are based on how the public could perceive Gassnova employees’ handling of the issues and situations in question. The decisive aspect is not whether there is reason to presume that a person in Gassnova will be biased in their actions, but whether trust in the company and the employee may be impaired.
Equal treatment
Gassnova shall not discriminate based on gender, age, religion, nationality or ethnicity, social group or political views. This influences recruitment, appointments, the design of our own premises, as well as during external events and marketing.
Health, safety and the environment (HSE)
Gassnova’s overarching HSE objective is to avoid any injuries to people and damage to the environment, as well as to protect material and immaterial assets. The company’s assumption is that all accidents are preventable. As a result, we have a zero vision for HSE which includes zero negative impact health and zero damage to the environment.
Gassnova has facilitated for safe and easy internal whistleblowing regarding questionable issues. We stress that the whistleblower is protected against retaliation.
External reporting of our corporate social responsibility activities can be found primarily in our annual report, which is available on our home page.