Ethical guidelines
Gassnova manages considerable public funds, and the enterprise’s activities may have great impact on companies and the society at large. Sound business practices and high ethical standards are crucial for the company’s ability to succeed.

Gassnova’s ethical guidelines stipulate expectations for both the enterprise and its individual employees, and were prepared in line with the UN’s Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises, as well as Ethical Guidelines for the Public Service.
The ethical guidelines apply to all employees, both full time and part time employees (including the management), contracted consultants and temporary hires who represent the enterprise, as well as Gassnova’s board of directors.
Gassnova’s values
- Integrity. We are loyal and stand by our decisions. We are professionally strong and independent.
- Respect. We are genuine and trustworthy, and take each other seriously. We are inclusive, and listen to other people’s opinions.
- Courage. We are passionate and dare to lead. We are curious and create new solutions.
- Responsibility. We deliver and are dependable. We are accountable and complete our tasks.
Gassnova’s etchical basis
Gassnova is an environmentally friendly enterprise
HSE has the highest priority in the planning and execution of activities and decision processes. Gassnova bases its policy on the assumption that all accidents and environmental damage can be prevented. The organisation therefore has a zero vision as regards HSE, which entails zero damage to health and the environment.
Gassnova is a responsible social player
This entails that the company assumes social responsibility in all important decisions, and through its work and decisions, contributes to the best interests of society and all citizens. Gassnova opposes all forms of corruption.
Gassnova makes ethical demands on our suppliers
Our suppliers and contract partners must respect basic social and ethical requirements in their activities. The products delivered to Gassnova must be manufactured under conditions which are in compliance with the requirements given in relevant UN and ILO conventions, as well as national employer legislation at the production site. If suppliers to Gassnova use sub-suppliers in their deliveries, the supplier shall undertake to pursue and contribute to compliance with the ethical requirements stipulated in connection with the delivery.
Gassnova is a beacon of expertise within CCS
The scope of the enterprise lies in the intersection between politics, market and technological understanding. The organisation shall have high integrity with a clear understanding of roles and awareness of responsibility, and shall always ensure that evaluations and recommendations have a clear professional foundation. Gassnova shall treat confidential and sensitive information to which it gains access, in a prudent manner.
Gassnova is a future-oriented enterprise
Gassnova shall contribute to create solutions for the energy and climate challenges of tomorrow. This entails that the company shall base its advice and decisions on comprehensive and long-term assessments in order to ensure robust solutions and efficient use of society’s resources.
Gassnova is a state-owned enterprise
This means that the enterprise and its employees must comply with the Ethical Guidelines for the Public Service. These guidelines are based on commonly accepted ethical values and norms, such as fairness, loyalty, honesty, reliability, truthfulness and treating others the way you want to be treated yourself. The guidelines shall contribute to maintain the general population’s trust in the public service.

Ethical guidelines for individual behaviour in Gassnova
Gassnova works for health, safety and the environment
Gassnova’s management shall work actively to raise awareness and engage the organisation and the individual employees in HSE issues. Gassnova’s employees have a personal responsibility to comply with applicable HSE provisions.The objective and organisation of the enterprise in relation to HSE emerges from the HSE Principle document and the HSE handbook.
Gassnova creates a good climate for cooperation
Gassnova’s employees shall contribute towards creating good conditions for collaboration by treating colleagues, partners and customers with respect and compassion. Viewpoints on, or correction of undesirable individual behaviour shall be presented to the immediate supervisor in sheltered environments, and with an opportunity to explain and balance the facts of the case. Mutual respect and the integrity of the individual must be particularly safeguarded in such cases.
Negative or critical reference to colleagues must never take place vis-á-vis a third party. Talk to the person in question, not about him or her.
Gassnova exercises moderation and cost awareness
Gassnova’s employees shall exercise moderation and good judgement in connection with all expenditures, and shall in no way misuse or waste the enterprise’s funds.
Gassnova complies with requirements relating to professional secrecy and confidentiality
Gassnova’s employees shall maintain secrecy relating to confidential and sensitive information, and shall prevent unauthorised persons from gaining access to such information. Employees shall be cautious when discussing the internal affairs of the company to avoid being overheard by others. Such issues may be related to technology, finances, authorities, suppliers or partners, or individuals.
The company practices as much openness as possible in connection with internal information, but in such a way that the rules of confidentiality are maintained.
Impartiality and independence
Gassnova’s employees must avoid circumstances where the enterprise’s interests may conflict, or may be assumed to conflict with an individual’s self-interest. The enterprise’s employees must not behave in a way, or assume a responsibility outside the company, that could be construed as impairing confidence in their impartiality. There shall be full openness between the individual employee and his/her supervisor relating to all circumstances which could potentially impact his/her impartiality[5]. Everyone has an independent duty to report any doubts which may arise in connection with impartiality issues.
Gifts, hospitality and expenses
Gassnova’s employees shall not, neither for themselves nor others, receive – or facilitate receiving – gifts, travel, accommodation, hospitality, discounts, loans or other benefits or advantages which are, or which could be perceived as being, designed to influence their official actions.If hospitality takes place as a natural part of, or in connection with meetings in the company’s service, employees may accept hospitality which is proportional to the government rates. Hospitality shall not be the sole purpose of meetings unless otherwise agreed in advance.In case of doubt, the matter shall be presented to the superior.
Gassnova takes a stand against corruption
The enterprise and its employees shall under no circumstances receive or provide compensation or benefits which may be perceived as being undue influence on decisions or actions.
Gassnova strives for transparency
Gassnova strives for a significant degree of transparency in connection with the enterprise’s activities, use of funds and achievement of goals. Increased transparency could prevent unfortunate and ethically questionable decisions. Gassnova’s management wants employees to be open regarding dilemmas relating to possible corruption, conflicts of interest and impartiality.
Gassnova complies with statutes, regulations and internal provisions
Gassnova’s employees shall at all times comply with applicable statutes, regulations and provisions, and contribute towards the enterprise’s overall ethically prudent behaviour. This also applies to personal behaviour in connection with travel or when on assignment for the enterprise. Neither must employees in their spare time be engaged in circumstances which may impair the confidence in their appropriateness to function in Gassnova.
Drug and alcohol abuse
Gassnova’s employees shall not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while performing their duties. Limited quantities of alcohol may be served on special and suitable occasions, provided this is not in combination with activities that should not be combined with the use of alcohol.
The ethical guidelines comprise four parts:
- Gassnova’s values; describe the values that will characterise the work and interaction within Gassnova, and which will be related to Gassnova’s reputation
- Gassnova’s ethical basis; describes what the company’s ethical guidelines are founded on
- Ethical guidelines for individual behaviour in Gassnova; describes, based on the ethical foundation, the expected behaviour and actions related to each employee’s exercise of his/her daily duties
- Execution and follow-up; describes the management’s and the individual employee’s responsibility to ensure compliance with the guidelines
Execution and follow-up
Management responsibility
Managers in Gassnova have a special responsibility for following up these guidelines. Emphasising ethics is a management responsibility because managers, through their words, actions and leadership style, have a significant impact on the culture and behavioural norms in the organisation.
Managers in Gassnova are responsible for familiarising the employees with the ethical guidelines, facilitating compliance in the best possible way and leading by example.
Gassnova’s managers are responsible for ensuring that work within their areas of responsibility is carried out in an ethically prudent manner. They shall also provide, or if necessary actively seek, advice on the interpretation of statutes, regulations and provisions.
Personal responsibility
Gassnova’s employees are personally responsible for ensuring that they are familiar with, and perform their work tasks in accordance with the ethical requirements presented in this document. They are also responsible for staying informed and updated on applicable statutes, regulations and provisions which govern their daily work.
Employees are required to raise questionable circumstances observed/uncovered in Gassnova, and have the right to, if necessary, report such circumstances. Questionable circumstances include conditions in the enterprise which an employee becomes aware of through his/her work, and which may conflict with statutes, regulations, guidelines in the enterprise, or which may be contrary to the common understanding of what is prudent or ethically acceptable.
Notification shall only take place if an attempt has been made to expedite the matter through normal channels, alternatively through the employee representatives, the HSE, quality or HR function, or an existing liaison committee in the company.
Responding to questions from the press and others
Individual employees shall not speak to the press unless this has been clarified with the Managing Director. In order to ensure coordinated contact with external parties, a separate procedure has been prepared outlining how to handle general questions regarding Gassnova and all inquiries from the media.
The enterprise has a separate department for external relations that should always be involved in preparing the communication prior to contact with the media.