CLIMIT Programme
CLIMIT is a national programme for research, development, and demonstration of (Carbon capture and storage) CCS technologies. The programme is a collaboration between Gassnova SF and the Research Council of Norway.

The Research Council’s part of the programme is called CLIMIT-R&D. The R&D part of the programme will support research and development. Gassnova’s part of the programme is called CLIMIT-Demo. The demo part of the programme focuses on development, pilot, and demonstration activities.
The technology for CCS is available, but research and development are needed to make the technology more cost-effective, reduce the risks and develop new concepts. In recent years, most of the funding for the R&D component has gone to international cooperation through ACT and CETP.
The Demo component focuses on development, piloting, and demonstration activities. Under CLIMIT-Demo, funding can be requested for the development and demonstration of knowledge, expertise, technologies and solutions for CO2 capture, compression, transport or other CO2 handling, storage or use involving long-term CO2 storage.
The whole value chain
The programme covers the entire development chain, from research to demonstration. It also covers the entire value chain from CO2 capture to transport and storage. A key premise of the programme is the need for long-term storage of CO2, so that CCS becomes a climate measure.
An important criterion for any award is that projects such as Longship should seek to exploit national advantages. The development of new technology and service concepts must have both technological and commercial potential, both nationally and internationally.

Disseminating knowledge and strengthening international cooperation
The CLIMIT programme helps to create a network of actors that spreads expertise and strengthens international cooperation on CCS. This contributes to a coherent national project portfolio in this field.
The interaction between CLIMIT-FoU and CLIMIT-Demo creates synergies and shortens the time from research to demonstration of new technologies. The programme helps to create networks of actors that accumulate and disseminate expertise and strengthens international cooperation on CCS.
Every two years, the CLIMIT Summit is organised, where CLIMIT-supported projects share their experiences with an audience from around the world. In addition, information from the supported projects is shared in a separate database, where you can read more details about the various projects supported by the programme. This can be an inspiration, but also a source of contact with potential partners.