Report: Developing Longship – Key Lessons Learned
Gassnova has gathered its most important experiences from the six years planning of the CCS project «Longship» in a new report named «Developing Longship – Key Lessons Learned».

Called Longship
On 21 September, the Norwegian government presented a White Paper to the Parliament in which they recommended the realization of a project for the capture, transport and storage of CO2 in Norway – called “Longship”.
Gassnova a project integrator
The industry itself has been responsible for the planning of its sub-projects. Gassnova has been a project integrator, ensuring that the industry partners are well coordinated with each other and that the projects are developed in line with the state’s objectives.
«Longship» is a first-of-its-kind project when it comes to: the emission sources where the CO2 will be captured; the scalable transport and storage infrastructure ready to be used by other emission sources; and the application of European and Norwegian CCS regulations. The different technical solutions are in operation elsewhere but are put together for the first time to form a complete CCS chain.
“Developing Longship – Key Lessons Learned”, aimed at informing subsequent CCS projects, government actors and others who work to facilitate the use of CCS, draws out overall learning points and presents them in an easy-to-understand way.
For comprehensive information related to the project, there are a number of reports on ccsnorway.com. Feel free to contact Gassnova directly for further information, or to get in touch with the industry partners in Longship.
Gassnova is working to further the development of CCS technologies and knowledge related to CCS. A part of our mission as a state-owned innovation enterprise, is to share knowledge and experiences from the Longship project.