Important milestone in the CO₂ storage project
The Ministry of Energy has received and started our assessment of the development plan for the Northern Lights CO2-storage project.

A necessary step
– Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is important for achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. The submission of the development plan is a necessary step in order to realize full-scale CO2-capture and storage in Norway. The Northern Lights project will also be able to offer CO2 storage from other countries. Northern Lights is an example of the expertise and experience we have built up in the oil and gas industry being used in the development of new technology and new solutions that ensure sustainable use of energy. Hywind Tampen, which was just approved by the authorities, is another such example, says Minister Tina Bru.
Read the full press release from the Norwegian Ministry of Petroelum and Energy here
Will have room for CO2 from all across Europe
– The Norwegian CCS project is in many ways a European project, since the planned storage facility in the North Sea will have room for CO2 from all across Europe. An important milestone for the Norwegian full-scale project has now been passed since the Northern Lights consortium has submitted their development plan to the authorities, says Gassnova’s CEO Trude Sundset.
For more information about the Norwegian Fullscale CCS Project: ccsnorway.com
For more information about the Northern Lights part of the project: northernlightsccs.com/