Gassnova SF makes changes to its management team

The Board of Directors and the CEO, Trude Sundset, have agreed that Trude Sundset will step down from her role managing Gassnova on a day-to-day basis effective 1 February 2021. Roy Vardheim will assume the duties of the CEO until further notice.

Following the Norwegian Parliament´s adoption of the state budget for 2021 in a vote on 14 December 2020, which had a bearing on the future plans for project ‘Longship’, crucial elements of Gassnova’s operations are now transitioning into a new phase.

The Board of Directors and the CEO, Trude Sundset, have agreed that Trude Sundset will step down from her role on 1 February 2021 following a period of five years leading the company.

‘Trude Sundset has been a visible leader and ambassador for our work to bring the CCS ‘Longship’ project to maturity ahead of the Storting’s launch. I would like to thank Trude for her efforts and for her positive dialogue as Gassnova enters into a new phase,’ says Morten Ruud, Chairman of the Gassnova Board of Directors.

 ‘The time is right for me to move on having guided the company through a strategic process and facilitated the reorganisation of the business ahead of its next phase. I feel privileged to have led Gassnova and its amazing team of professionals over the course of five rewarding years. We have worked well together with external stakeholders to help develop “Longship” into a project that has every opportunity to achieve its goals. I wish the entire organisation well in its work to realise project “Longship”,’ says Trude Sundset.

Roy Vardheim, 64, will serve as acting CEO of Gassnova until further notice. Vardheim has been in charge of Gassnova’s TCM department since 2017. Prior to that he was the CEO of Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM). 

Vardheim has extensive experience in senior management in a series of companies, including periods as CEO of Norske Skog Saugbrug AS and Borealis. He also has international experience in the top management, including roles at Borouge in the Middle East and BIS in Scandinavia.

Vardheim serves as the Chairman on a number of Boards, including those of TCM Assets AS, Grenland Havn IKS, Skagerrak Sparebank, Frier Vest Holding AS and Grenland Havn Eiendom AS. Roy Vardheim is a Chartered Engineer specialising in Industrial Chemistry having graduated from the Norwegian Institute of Technology (now known as the Norwegian University of Science and Technology).

Gassnova is a state-owned enterprise engaged in CCS and is subject to the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. Read more about Gassnova here.

Contact person at Gassnova SF: Chairman Morten Ruud, tel. +47 91 15 49 56.

The Longship White Paper available in English

The report to the Storting  about «Longship – Carbon capture and storage» is now available in English.

Source: The Ministry of Energy

In the Government White Paper to the Norwegian parliament, submitted 21 September 2020, the Government proposes to launch the carbon capture and storage (CCS) project Longship in Norway. Longship was later approved by the Storting in December.